Elementary Grade PROBE Search Strategies and ResourcesQUESTION--SEARCH--PRODUCE--EVALUATE--REFLECT QUESTION Use EBSCO to find information on the following question. Why did the dinosaurs die out? SEARCH Keywords: ____________________ _______________ ____________________ Resources to use: ___________________ _____________________ ___________________ _____________________ PRODUCE Titles of relevant articles: Date:
Notes What resources were helpful? _______________________________________________________________________________ What were the best key words? ______________________________________________________ Read the articles and take notes in the spaces provided. Notes: Facts, opinions, and theories about why dinosaurs died
Conclusions: After reading and taking notes, what conclusions can you draw about what scientists think happened to dinosaurs.? _______________________________________________________________ EVALUATION What was the easiest part of this assignment? REFLECTION The next time I have an assignment like this I will: (what will you do differently? What will you do the same way?)
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