Citation Station

9. Internet or Electronic Sources

 The basic components of the reference citation described here include the following:

  1. The author, editor, compiler, or translator. (Reversed and followed by an abbreviation, such as ed.., if needed)
  2. Title of item (in quotation marks) followed by the description Online Posting if taken from a discussion list or forum.
  3. Title of a book (underlined)
  4. Name of author, editor, etc., if not named earlier
  5. Publication information for any print version of the source
  6. Title of the scholarly project, database, periodical, or web site (underlined).  If site is personal or professional with no title, use a description such as Home page.
  7. Name of editor of scholarly project or database.
  8. Version number of the source (if not in title).  If item is a journal, provide volume number, issue number, or other identifying number.
  9. Date of electronic publication, its latest update, or date of posting.
  10. For an item from a subscription service (i.e. ProQuest,  Wall St. Journal Online, etc.): 
      • Name of the service
      • Subscribing library (i.e., May Watts Elementary School)
  11. For a posting to a discussion list or forum, supply the name of the list or forum.
  12. The number range or total number of pages, paragraphs, or sections, if they are numbered 
  13. Name of any institution or organization sponsoring or affiliated with the web site 
  14. Date you accessed the source 
  15. The electronic address, or URL, of the source (in angle brackets)

Note: Copyrighted examples of Internet-based resources from the MLA Style Manual: Documenting World Wide Web Resources, (© 2000 The Modern Language Association of America) can be viewed online at <>.