Citation Station

3. Encyclopedias and Almanacs

Signed with Name or Initials

Allen, Frederick G.  "Leyden Jar."  Encyclopedia Americana.
    1977 ed.
    Note: Full publication information is not required for a familiar reference work.
R[asmussen], J[ohn] O., [Jr.].  "Radioactivity."
    Encyclopedia Britannica:  Macropaedia.  1974 ed.
        Note: Brackets enclose the added parts of the name. A list of contributors is ordinarily
        supplied in the index volume or in the front matter of an encyclopedia.
"Language:  New Words."  Reader's Digest Almanac and
    Yearbook.  1980 ed.
        Note: In this almanac main sections (like "Language") are arranged alphabetically in
        the text.
"Portsmount, Treaty of."  Columbia Encyclopedia.  1975 ed.
        Note: The title indicates that the article is listed under P.
"Pulitzer Prizes in Journalism, Letters, and Music."  World
    Almanac and Book of Facts.  1979 ed.  409-14.
        Note: Page numbers are supplied for ease of reference though the front matter of this
        almanac does list topics alphabetically.