Student's Assessment Rubric        NAME:









I completed no part of the assignment.

I did not understand the assignment.

I could not find information.

I ran out of time.

I had other problems.

I have partially completed the assignment.



Written work





I have completed assignment. *



*Written work



Sentences are complete.

Paragraphs have order.

I have completed assignment:

I wrote sentences and or paragraphs and used correct punctuation.

I cited my sources according to my teacher's instructions.


CORRECT   I used only one source. I used several sources, but did not check my work. When I found conflicting information, I tried to find out which was more accurate.
COMPREHENSIVE I found and wrote down very little information (one fact or one idea). I recorded at least one fact or idea for each part of the assignment and recorded where I found the information. I found and used more than one idea or fact on most of the parts of my assignment. I recorded where I found information. I found and used a lot of ideas and facts on each part of my assignment.

I cited my sources.

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