Animals in Eco-systems

Match the picture to the replica.

North Island Brown Kiwi

Range: New Zealand

Habitat: forest, scrub, overgrown farmland

Smithsonian National Zoo

Saltwater Crocodile

Tuatura Frilled Lizard

Range: Australia; Papua New Guinea

Habitat: Temperate Rainforest

Red-eyed-tree-frog Thorny Devil

Range: Australia

Habitat: Desert

Red and Green Macaw

Range: Southern Mexico to tropical South America

Habitat: lowland tropical forest and savanna

Length: 34 inches

Diet in the wild: fruit, nuts, seeds and nectar

Nest type: large cavity in dead tree

Smithsonian National Zoo

Western Brown Snake

Range: Australia

Habitat: Desert and other hot regions of Australia

Length: up to 1.5 m (5 feet)

Diet: small animals

Reproduction: Lays 20-40 eggs per clutch



Emerald Tree Boa

Tree-tops of the tropical rain forest of South America

Red Poison-Arrow Frog

Many variation in coloration and pattern

tropical rainforests from western Ecuador, north through Colombia

Toco Toucan 

Range: Lowlands of Brazil, Guianas, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina

Habitat: woodland, second growth, palm groves

Information: Smithsonian International Zoological Zoo

Rainforests of Guiana to Bolivia and northern Argentina.

WhoZoo: Toco Toucan

Rainbow Lorikeet; Australia

Range: Northern and eastern Australia and  and islands


Nile Monitor

Physical Description: 4.5 to 7 feet in length

Range: Africa

Diet: Carnivorous predator

Science News for Kids: Alien Invasions

Gila Monster

Physical Description: USA's largest lizard




Galapagos Marine Iguana Green Iguana

Arboreal; Forest and Rainforests

Great White Shark

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo



Range: Australia

Habitat: plains, scrub, open woodland, coastal heath, alpine pastures, semi-desert

Smithsonian National Zoo

King Penguin

Barren coasts of sub-Antarctic islands

Laughing Kookaburra

Range: lowlands of southeastern Australia

Habitat: open woodland, forest, farmlands, orchards, towns

Smithsonian National Zoo

Diet: It feeds primarily on snakes, large lizards, worms, snails, insects, fresh water crayfish, frogs, small birds and rodents.

WhoZoo: Kookaburra

Black Sea Turtle

Green Sea Turtle Hawksbill Sea Turtle

Green Frog

Range: Near-arctic region: Canada, eastern United States

Habitat: wide variety of habitats that surround most inland waters, such as: swamps, wooded swamps, ponds, lakes, marshes, bogs, banks of slow moving rivers and streams, oxbow lakes, sloughs, and impoundments.

Animal Diversity Web

African Wild Dog

WhoZoo: African Wild Dog

Spider Monkey Red Howler Monkey

Sloth Golden Tamarin Monkey

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