

A rainforest is a dense, wet, warm forest. Fifty percent of the plants and animals on the earth make their home in the rainforest. The rainforest gets rain almost daily. It is neither too hot nor too cold in the rainforest.

The tropical rainforests are along the equator of the earth from the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Capricorn. They exist in Central America, South America, Africa, Southeast Asia and Australia.

The temperate rainforests are along the western coast of North America from California to Canada. Other temperate rainforests are in Chile, Tasmania, New Zealand, Scotland, Ireland and Norway.

This picture was taken on St. Kitts Island in the West Indies.

Plants, Animals and Climate of the Tropical Rainforests (Blue Planet Biomes)

Animals of the Rainforests (Blue Planet Biomes)

Endangered Animals of the Rainforests (Quesper Online)

Picture Source: CJ FOX

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