Research Projects
Regional Map Prehistoric Cultures Cultures by Region Eastern Woodlands Southeast
Desert Southwest
Great Plains
Great Basin
Great Plateau
California Coast
Pacific Northwest Coast Subarctic
Far North (Arctic)
South America Southwest
Notable American Indians - Websites Biographies of Notable American Indians Big Foot (??-1890) --leader of the Miniconjou band massacred at Wounded Knee Creek in 1890. Black Hawk (1767–1838) --Chief of Sauk tribe: leader of Sauk & Fox Indians in Black Hawk War. Crazy Horse (1849-1877) ---Oglala Sioux chief Dorris, Michael (1945-1997) --Modoc (ancestry) --author: Morning Girl Erdrich, Louise (1954- ) --Ojibway-Chippewa (ancestry) --author: The Birchbark House Gall (1840-1894) --Sioux chief Geronimo ( 1829-1909 ) Apache war leader Chief Joseph (1840-1904) --Nez Percé chief Pocahontas (circa 1595-1617) --Powhatan peacemaker Popé (??-1692) --Pueblo medicine man Powhatan (1547-1618) --Powhatan chief Red Cloud (1822-1909) --Oglala Sioux chief Sacajawea (1790?-1812 or 1884) --Shoshone interpreter Sitting Bull (1831-1890) --Sioux chief Wovoka (1856-1932) --Paiute religious leader; also known as Jack Wilson
Websites on Further Historical Information
08/22/09 /
The QueSPER website is maintained by Carol J. Fox; Teacher-Librarian
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