Bony Skeleton Fish


Species: Four-Stripe Damselfish

Size Appearance and Diet Habitat, Habits and Characteristics
How big are they? (Maximum length) 10 cm   (4 inches)

What do they look like? (Appearance)

This damselfish has white and black vertical bars covering the length of the body. There are usually four black bars and three white bars with a small white spot just above the lip of the fish. 

What do they eat? (Diet) Omnivorous

What eats them? Unknown

Reproduction: Unknown

How long do they live?  ?

Four-Striped Damselfish
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Pomacentridae
Genus: Dascyllus
species: melanurus
Binomial name

Dascyllus melanurus








Where do they live? (Environment, Habitat, Range)

Found in the Indo-Australian Archipelago and western Caroline Islands including Indonesia, Philippines, New Guinea, and the northern Great Barrier reef of Australia. Indo-Australian Archipelago.

Found at depths up to 10 meters.

Typically found about isolated coral heads.

Other names: Four-Stripe Damsel or Blacktail Humbug.

How deep in the ocean are they found?

(Zone) Sunlit


Territorial and aggressive

 Favored for saltwater aquaria.

What is their Endangerment Status?





See other Damselfish Species 

Damselfish Coloring Page

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