What is a Pangolin?
What kind of animal is it?
 | Class: Mammal |
 | Species: 4 species in Africa; 3 in Southeast Asia |
Names: Giant Pangolin; Long-tailed Pangolin
Where does it live?
 | Lives in Southeast Asia and parts of Africa |
 | Tropical Habitat |
 | Kafue National Park, in dry woodland or scrub terrain. (Zambia, Africa) |
 | Most species are ground dwellers, but some live in trees (arboreal). |
Ground dwelling pangolins have strong, short legs with claws on
their feet for digging into termite mounds for food. The arboreal (tree
dwelling) pangolins have prehensile* tails that they use both for balance and
as a hook to hang from. The tree dwelling pangolin sleeps at night in a tree
hollow by rolling up into a ball. Ground
dwelling pangolins live in burrows.
[*A prehensile tail is one that is
adapted for grasping by wrapping around things. Monkeys also have
prehensile tails.]
What does it eat?
 | Feeds at night, sleeps during the day |
 | Eats termites and ants |
 | Uses its long sticky tongue to catch them |
What does it looks like?
 | Long sticky tongue |
The pangolin's tongue can be extended about 10 inches (25 cm) and has
muscular roots that attach to the animal's pelvic bone!
 | Short, powerful legs with clawed feet |
 | Long tail |
 | Head shaped like a cone |
 | Body is covered with large, flat, horny scales that overlap each other |
 | Has no teeth |
 | The lower jaw is a small blade like bone. |
How big are pangolins?
 | Pangolins vary in size from about 3 feet to 6 feet in length. |
The Long-Tailed Pangolin is smallest, at about 3 feet (1 meter) long and
weighing 3-4 pounds (2 kg). The Giant Pangolin is almost 6 feet (2 meters)
long and weighs 70 pounds (32 kg).
What are its enemies?
 | Humans are its worst enemy |
Humans kill it to eat. They also use its skin to make leather shoes,
belts and other items. Pangolin scales are used in Chinese and African
medicine. Humans also destroy its habitat.
How does it protect itself?
 | It rolls up into a ball when it is threatened. |
 | Pangolins can lash out with their razor sharp scales. |
 | Pangolins have scent glands similar to those of the skunk which they can use
to spray enemies. |
 | Pangolins can amble along on all fours, but for speed they stand up on two
feet using their long tail for support. They run at a speed of about 3 miles
(5 km) per hour. |
Does it have any other names?
 | Scaly anteater |
Is it endangered?
 | Three Asian species are considered Endangered. |
 | One African species is considered Endangered. |
Reason: Habitat destruction and hunting
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More information on pangolins
