Citation Station

Examples of Entries for Works Cited Page

1.    Books

2.    Magazines and Newspapers

3.    Encyclopedias and Almanacs

4.    Pamphlets and Bulletins

5.    Nonprint Sources

6.    Stand-alone CD-Rom Products

7.   Material from a computer service or information service (previously published in      

       print medium. 

8.    Material accessed from a periodically published database on CD-ROM.

9.    Internet or electronic resources.

Note: These citation example pages were taken from Naperville Central High School website.


The Works Cited section of your paper should list all the works that you have cited in your text. It simplifies the way you document your sources because it permits you to make only brief reference to these works in the text. Works Cited includes entries that are not only books and articles but also films, recordings, television programs, and other nonprint sources.

The list of works cited appears at the end of the paper. Begin the list on a new page and number each page, continuing the page numbers of the text. Type your last name and the page number in the upper right-hand corner, one-half inch from the top, and center the title Works Cited one inch from the top of the page. Double-space between the title and the first entry. Begin each entry flush with the left margin, and if it runs more than one line, indent the subsequent line or lines five spaces from the left margin. Double-space the entire list, both between and within entries. In general, alphabetize entries in the list of Works Cited by the author's last name.

When citing books, normally arrange the information in the following order:

  1. Author's name
  2. Title of a part of the book (in quotation marks)
  3. Title of the book (underlined or in italics; underlining is preferred in research manuscripts)
  4. Name of the editor, translator, or compiler
  5. Edition used
  6. Number(s) of the volume(s) used
  7. Name of the series
  8. Place of publication, name of the publisher, and date of publication
  9. Page numbers
  10. Supplementary bibliographic information and annotation
 When citing periodicals, normally arrange the information in the following order:
  1. Author's name
  2. Title of article (in quotation marks)
  3. Name of periodical (underlined or in italics; underlining is preferred in research manuscripts)
  4. Series number or name
  5. Volume number
  6. Date of publication
  7. Page numbers (for the complete article)
Note: If you cannot provide an element of the citation, just omit it and continue with the rest of the citation.


Information taken from electronic sources, such as computerized databases, CD-ROM products, or the Internet, have some special considerations.  How the material was originally published determines what goes into the citation.

The basic components of the online citation described here include the following:

  1. The author, editor, compiler, or translator.  (Reversed and followed by an abbreviation, such as ed., if needed.)
  2. Title of item (in quotation marks) followed by the description Online Posting if taken from a discussion list or forum.
  3. Title of a book (underlined)
  4. Name of author, editor, etc., if not named earlier
  5. Publication information for any print version of the source
  6. Title of the scholarly project, database, periodical, or web site (underlined).  If site is personal or professional with no title, use a description such as Home page.
  7. Name of editor of scholarly project or database
  8. Version number of the source (if not in title).If item is a journal, provide volume number, issue number, or other identifying number.
  9. Date of electronic publication, its latest update, or date of posting.
  10. For an item from a subscription service (i.e. ProQuest, Wall St. Journal Online, etc.):
    • Name of the service
    • Subscribing library (i.e., May Watts Elementary School)
  11. For a posting to a discussion list or forum, supply the name of the list or forum.
  12. The number range or total number of pages, paragraphs, or sections, if they are numbered
  13. Name of any institution or organization sponsoring or affiliated with the web site
  14. Date you accessed the source
  15. The electronic address, or URL, of the source (in angle brackets)
Some CD-ROM products are not published periodically but are only published on the CD-ROM a single publication, without plan to update or revise regularly. Your works-cited entry for such products should include the following if it is available:
  1. Author's name (if given)
  2. Title of the part of the work, if relevant (underlined or in quotes)
  3. Title of the product (underlined)
  4. Edition, release, or version (if relevant)
  5. Publication medium (CD-ROM)
  6. City of publication
  7. Name of the publisher
  8. Year of publication