QueSPER Information Literacy

Information Strategies

Strategies are a part of a thoughtful plan to solve a problem.  Information problem-solving for young children involves basic strategies in using information, e. g. knowing basic tools, knowing basic computer commands and interfaces, knowing how to use a dictionary or an index, knowing what can be wrong with a simple search strategy when it does not work, knowing what to do next in any information search.

Young children have difficulty remembering steps in a process.  The younger the child, the fewer steps they can remember.  To aid young children in remembering strategies and steps, the QueSPER Curriculum has a number of concrete objects (toys, etc.) that embody the strategies along with a few basic acronyms to help children remember what to do next.

These five creatures help young students (Grade K-5) to remember strategies and begin their work in the information world.


©  Carol J. Fox, 2002