QueSPER Research Projects

Identifying Trees by Their Leaves

Planning Tools For Teachers and Librarians

Project Plan for Collaborating Teachers and Librarians (Template)
Project Plan for Collaborating Teachers and Librarians (Sample Leaves Project)
Student Research Template for Leaves


Words You Need to Know to do this project.

alternate One leaf on a branch or stem is on one side, the second leaf is slightly above on the other side of the branch or stem

asymmetrical two sides of an object are not alike, or even.
botany the scientific study of plants
broad wide and large
compound leaf a leaf that has small leaflets attached to a single stem

deciduous tree loses leaves in the winter; not evergreen.
flat not much depth; almost two dimensional
herbaceous green and leaf-like in appearance and texture
irregular not even in length or width
leaf base leaf end where leaf joins stem

a rounded segment on a leaf that is not divided all the way to the midrib

margin edge of leaf
opposite leaves are opposite each other on the branch or stem
ovoid shaped like an oval  
palmate describes leaves that have five or more lobes arising from a single point, spreading like fingers from a hand
pinnate In botany, the term pinnate is applied to compound leaves with three or more pairs of leaflets arranged in two opposite rows along a common stalk.
serrated toothed edges or jagged edges on the leaf.
simple leaf one leaf attached by a stem to a branch. 
stalk A stem or main axis of a herbaceous plant
toothed (jagged edges on the leaf) also called serrated edge.

triangular shaped like a triangle 
underside bottom side of leaf

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Dichotomous Key for Trees ¹

A Key to the Common Trees of Camp Conestoga 15

Looking at leaves for identification requires you to look at the arrangement, shape, edges, veins, and color  and feel the leaf for softness. On this site feeling the leaf will be impossible, but you may still be able to identify these leaves.  Try it.

Use your guide to identify the characteristics of each leaf.

Tree Basics 2

Illinois Plant Information Network. 3 (You will need the scientific name of the plant.)


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